Frequently Asked Questions
The magic is always in the details!! This page may have some long-winded answers, but it's full of great information. Our goal here is to give you the best snapshot of our program so you're well-informed and know the true value of your investment. Click a topic button below or scroll for more details about training with 409 Fitness.

General Info
1 / Is 409 Fitness a good fit for me?
Absolutely! You just need to be willing to invest in yourself!! The best results will come from you committing to your goals. Our range of programs and packages provide an appropriate option for everyone, and we cater to your personal goals. Nothing makes us happier than our clients getting results, and we're here with you to make that happen.
If you have any hesitations about signing up, please give us a call so we can help resolve any lingering questions you may have.
2 / What areas does 409 Fitness service?
409 Fitness services Wilmington, DE and the immediate surrounding communities, such as Hockessin, Greenville, Claymont, Talleyville & North Wilmington, Centerville, Pike Creek, Elsmere, New Castle, and Glen Mills, PA. We might have a little more flexibility depending on our schedules, because we need to allow for commuting time. If you're unsure if we travel to your location, please contact us!
4 / What if I don't have much of a fitness background?
That's why we're here! We will educate you from the ground up, so you'll learn all the proper form and technique you need along the way. We will gradually and safely increase the challenge in your workouts as you gain experience and strength. It won't be easy, but it will be worth it!
6 / What's so special about in-home personal training?
In-home personal training eliminates the logistical challenges that often prevent people from working out as fully or consistently as they should.
1. With 409 Fitness, there is no longer a commute to the gym, saving you time and hassle in your busy schedule.
2. You're not in a public gym where you feel like all eyes are on you. There's no reason to feel self-conscious and uncomfortable at home!
3. There is less worry about childcare during your workout--we're happy to have little friends playing quietly nearby.
4. Those with health issues or compromised immunity don't need to worry about being exposed to crowded gym spaces.
5. And best of all, there's little chance you'll blow off your workout on a whim, because we'll show up knocking!
7 / Will my children/dogs/cats/birds be a problem?
Our number one priority will always be safety. That being said, we're happy to have the company of your critters or little ones as long as safety is maintained. Our goal is to stay productive, so if your children are present, please prepare something quiet for them to do while we work out to minimize interruptions. Our equipment is also off-limits to your children for safety reasons.
Just be forewarned that your dog(s) will probably sneak-attack and lick your face while you're in the middle of your ab workout! They do make the best cheerleaders, though!
5 / Do I need a finished basement or other big space?
Not at all! While it's convenient to have a larger area to work, it's certainly not necessary to get in a great session. We'll make use of whatever space you do have. One of the best things about free weights is they are super versatile, and we can accommodate a range of settings.
If you're not comfortable working out in your home, we can always schedule your sessions at a local park. The only drawback to this is that weather may influence our plans, but it's certainly doable.
6 / Will I feel comfortable having 409 Fitness in my home?
Yes, and please communicate with us if you feel otherwise for any reason!
Good manners, professionalism, kindness, inclusivity, and respect for you and your property are of the utmost importance to us. We are happy to provide references upon request if you'd like to speak with a current client.
1 / Why does 409 Fitness like using free weights?
While using free weights, your body must work to stabilize both itself and the weights, engaging your core muscles more fully than on an isolated muscle-specific weight machine. Free weights are versatile for a variety of exercises for each muscle group, and they don't require much space to use effectively. The weights come in a variety of increments so we an adjust to the appropriate amount of muscle-loading for each exercise. They are easily sanitized between clients and are relatively easy to transport in and out of your home.
We will also use your own body weight as resistance in some exercises, and may incorporate resistance bands, balls, and other equipment into your routines.
2 / Will I lose weight?
The best, short answer to this questions is that by committing to the 409 Fitness program, you'll lose inches, get stronger, and feel healthier. But you may also lose a significant amount of weight! Your physique will change and areas of your body will tighten and tone. The long answer to the weight-loss question is that it depends! We know that's an annoying answer, but it's the honest one.
Weight loss is a complex phenomenon and depends on many factors, and your physical exercise routine with 409 Fitness is just one of those variables. We will certainly help you along the way to lose weight if that is your goal. However, 409 Fitness can only be in charge of what you accomplish during your limited time with us--the other many hours of the week are not in our control. To lose weight, you'll need to burn more calories than you intake, meaning your eating choices are another crucial component of the weight loss equation. We cannot make healthy food or lifestyle choices for you when you're not with us, but we can educate you so that you're able to make them for yourself!
Now that we've covered that key bit of information, we can also tell you that increasing your body's muscle percentage increases your metabolic rate, which means your body will burn more calories even when it is at rest. When your body is able to burn more calories around the clock, you are likely to lose weight.
If weight loss is your primary goal, we suggest complementing your 409 Fitness routine with cardiovascular exercise on the off-days, such as brisk walking, jogging, tennis or pickleball, etc., but anything that elevates your heart rate works, whether that's yard work or chasing after grandchildren! Smart watches can help you keep track of your activity level, and the goal is to keep as active as possible. This will help you burn more calories and accelerate the benefits of your workouts with 409. As you lose weight, a 409 Fitness program will absolutely help you work toward that tighter, toned physique.
Rather than focusing on a number on the scale, we love to focus on your progress in your quest for a healthier lifestyle. The numbers--via counting exercise repetitions, routine bloodwork levels, bone density scans, or inches around your waist with a tape measure--will speak for themselves if you stick with the program. You just need to be willing to make lifestyle modifications for lasting change. Soon it will feel like second nature. 409 Fitness is the perfect way to start!
Either way, please consult your primary care doctor before beginning a diet or exercise routine.
3 / What kinds of exercises will we do each session?
For all clients, regardless of experience, your beginning couple of sessions will be highly-focused on your form and technique as we introduce the mechanics of each exercise. It's essential to make sure we're teaching clients a safe and effective method to prevent injury, but also to give us a chance to assess your current fitness level. These first couple sessions may feel a bit slower-paced due to the extra attention paid to these necessary details. But get ready! Because then the fun, personalized challenge starts!
Each session you will engage in a full-body workout, meaning you will work all of your body's major muscle groups in a series of guided exercise repetitions with free weights (dumbbells, plates, etc.) and body weight. These exercises can be modified for physical limitations or for additional challenge!
We increase the resistance (weight) or number or repetitions as you develop strength, and introduce more advanced exercises as you progress. After you've completed a full package of 12 workouts, you'll have a great foundation and we'll be ready to really fine-tune the content of your sessions to meet your personal goals.
At this point, you can ask to introduce high-intensity interval training into your routine if you'd like the extra cardiovascular component to your sessions. This is best accomplished in 45-minute or 60-minute sessions.
We have several clients that also prefer to devote some time toward the end of each session to assisted stretching exercises for pain relief and increased mobility. Please let us know if this interests you.
A great relationship develops as we get to know you and your personal objectives, and it's important that you communicate with your trainer so we can best support you!
4 / How often will we work out together?
We ask you to initially commit to a 12-session package, meeting twice per week, meaning that the package is designed to (ideally) last 6 weeks. Two full-body sessions per week provides sufficient challenge to your muscles, but also allows for sufficient recovery time.
If you are at an advanced level, you can consider choosing a package with longer sessions (45- or 60-minutes). Depending on schedule availability, we might be able to add a third day, but it is not necessary to get results.
As part of an overall healthy lifestyle, we recommend complementing your 409 Fitness training with cardiovascular exercise on some of your off-days. We can help you figure out a routine that will work for you, and can help keep you accountable until it becomes a healthy habit!
5 / What about cardio?
Any balanced fitness regimen has both strength training and cardiovascular exercise components. We recommend adding cardio workouts into your weekly schedule as part of an overall healthy lifestyle (with physician approval), particularly on days we do not meet for personal training.
When you buy a package from 409 Fitness, you are essentially purchasing "minutes"--and it is much more economical for us to design and guide you through a combination of strength training exercises, as opposed to "babysitting" you as you walk on the treadmill or use an elliptical for an extended period of time. The value of our expertise and guidance is simply best used in the strength-training area where we can provide you with corrections, modifications, new skills and exercises, record progress, and help facilitate the challenge. We're happy to consult with you to design a cardio routine that will work for you and your schedule on the days we do not meet. That being said, this is YOUR program, and we will do whatever we can to meet your wants and needs, so please let us know of any questions or concerns.
If you'd like to add some cardio into your strength training workouts, we recommend our High Intensity Interval Training. This modification will add short bursts of timed cardio exercises in between your strength training sets. Please let us know if you're interested in HIIT, and we can help identify the appropriate time to add it into your routine! We recommend this for 45- and 60-minute sessions so we still have enough time to accomplish your full-body workout.
6 / Will I be challenged enough?
Yes! 409 Fitness's trainers are skilled at identifying when it's time to up the challenge, but it's also important that you communicate with your trainer directly if an exercise is not challenging enough, or if you do not feel the muscle engagement as you are guided through an exercise. Your feedback is part of what drives the design of your program, and our trainers will ask how you're feeling throughout your workout--be honest! That's the way to best ensure an appropriate level of challenge each session.
Further, everyone's body structure has slightly different biomechanics, and minor adjustments can really increase the intensity of an exercise. Keep the feedback coming so we can adjust accordingly!
7 / I have an injury/medical condition--Can I still work out?
Most of us have past injuries! Although ideally you'd have no restrictions, we know that even healed injuries have lingering effects such as tightness, soreness, or loss of mobility on occasion. We can totally work with that--but you need to tell us about it ASAP! Our certified trainers know multiple exercises that work each muscle group, so we can modify or exclude exercises as needed.
Please consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program.
It's important for us to know about all relevant parts of your medical history prior to you starting as a client! We need to know if your doctors have given you any restrictions for any reason. You are responsible for providing us with this information so we can make informed and safe decisions regarding your exercise regimen. If you have numerous limitations, we may ask you for a doctor's note approving your participation. This is just for both of our safety. Overall, it's better to tell us too much than to tell us too little, and please keep us updated over time if your health history changes!
Other things we need to know about include (but are not limited to):
Orthopedic injuries or concerns, especially lower back and knee pain.
If you have a history of drastic blood sugar swings (up or down).
If you have asthma we need to watch, or use a rescue inhaler (and preferably where you keep it in case you need it).
If you are currently attending physical therapy, and what for.
If you suffer from dizziness, vertigo, or other balance issues.
If there's a reason you use an Epi-pen (and preferably where you keep it in case you need it).
Any other health issue or medication that may impact your performance or physical coordination.
Please be open and honest with us about your medical history so we can provide you with the best, safest experience possible. Your responses are kept confidential in your client file and will only by seen by 409 Fitness.
Mild to moderate muscle soreness can be expected after workouts. Although it is very unusual, please let us know if you are feeling any sharp or unusual pain so we can immediately stop that exercise, and can try substituting with another one. We will reiterate: it's crucial that you communicate any pain to us to avoid injury, and so we can lead your workout in a different, equally-effective direction.
8 / What is HIIT and how can it benefit me?
H.I.I.T. is an acronym that stands for High Intensity Interval Training. HIIT is an exercise method that includes timed bursts of cardio exercises in between sets of other exercises. For 409 Fitness, that means in between sets of strength training, you will perform a timed interval of cardiovascular exercise. This could take the form of jogging stairs, jumping rope/jacks, agility ladder drills, or simply a few high-intensity minutes on a cardio machine, if you happen to have one at home (treadmill, bike, elliptical, etc.). We can get creative! The goal is to keep an elevated heart rate throughout your workout to add intensity and effectiveness.
Since the intervals take up several minutes of your session time, HIIT is best incorporated into 45-minute and 60-minute sessions so we can still accomplish your full-body workout each time we meet.
The HIIT addition is available to any 409 Fitness participant who has learned the basic form and technique of our strength training exercises. Please talk to your trainer so we can add HIIT when appropriate, if you're interested in kicking your workout up a notch or two!
9 / What session length should I choose?
This decision requires you to consider several factors:
Current fitness level: If you're new to exercise, new to lifting weights, or consider yourself "out of shape," we recommend starting with our 30-minute package.​​ If you're an athlete, do other types of workouts regularly, or have a weight-lifting background, you might want to consider a 45-minute package. If you're already in good shape and are looking for more of a challenge, we would suggest at 45- or 60-minute package.​​​
Budget: We recommend choosing a session length you know you'll be able to consistently afford so you'll be able to consistently make progress. Consistency is the key! Longer sessions are more expensive, but you are able to accomplish more each time we meet. They are well worth the investment if you are able.
Schedule: You will need to identify how much time you're able to devote each week to working out, and we'll need to find times that are compatible within the trainer's schedules as well.
Goals/desired timeframe for achieving goals: For example, if you have an event with a hard deadline, such as a wedding or reunion, you may want to choose a longer session length so we can accomplish as much as possible before that date.
How quickly you are able to transition between exercises: We try to keep the transitions between exercises as short as possible so we are the most efficient with your time and keep the intensity up. However, some individuals like or want longer breaks between exercise sets, which means we will not get to as many exercises per session. If this sounds like you, perhaps consider a 45-minute session so you can still accomplish the full-body workout as intended.
If you're interested in group training: Group training is only offered in 60-minute sessions to maintain the same level of intensity as a one-on-one workout.
Overall, in buying a package you are purchasing "minutes" of your trainer's time, expertise, and guidance. If you begin with a 30-minute package and feel the need to bump up to 45 minutes halfway through your package, no problem! We will just divide your remaining minutes up accordingly: you'll end up with fewer sessions but longer sessions for the remainder of that package. Then when you renew the following package, you can "officially" upgrade to 45-minute session package if desired.
1 / Where do we work out?
We will work out at your home! We do not need a lot of space. In the past, we've used garages, basements, foyers, living rooms, porches, driveways, etc. We will work with what space you do have.
If you'd rather, we can meet at a mutually-agreed upon location such as a local park. Please note if you prefer the park option, weather may influence the consistency of your workouts.
2 / How are sessions scheduled?
Sessions are generally scheduled with your trainer twice per week, with at least one off-day in between workouts. We are very flexible with timing, but note that by the nature of our business model, we need to build in time to commute to your location if we are fitting you between existing client appointments, so it sometimes takes a little creativity to get time slots that work for both of us. Ultimately, this has never been a problem!
3 / What equipment will 409 bring?
409 Fitness will arrive to your location with everything you need for an effective and challenging full-body workout. This includes things like dumbbells in a variety of weights, plates, resistance bands, exercise balls, mats, and a weight bench. Depending on the personalization of your workout, there may be other equipment involved as well.
5 / What if I already have fitness equipment at home?
Great! Let us know what kind of equipment you have, and what condition it's in, and it may work nicely into our routine. This could mean our trainers don't need to transport as much equipment inside for each session, or it could provide a means for adding some cardio if you choose to do HIIT in your workouts.
Please don't be offended if we decline to use the equipment you already have. We are trained to follow a proven program and know the safety protocols for similar equipment--we simply can't guarantee the effectiveness or safety of some of the exercise equipment on the consumer market. Either way, let's discuss!
6 / What if I live in a condo or apartment building?
No problem here either! We have a rolling dolly to transport our equipment using your building's elevator. We will need to coordinate how we can access the building, which sometimes just involves your trainer sending you a text when they arrive, and you opening the door for them. This just depends on the set-up and policies of your particular building. It hasn't been an issue.
1 / How qualified are 409's trainers?
409 Fitness trainers are all certified by a leading fitness organization (AAAI-ISMA, NASM, etc.), and are First Aid/CPR certified as well. Trainers have a prior fitness background and complete an additional training protocol with 409 Fitness prior to working with clients. You're in good hands!
2 / What can I expect from my trainer?
First and foremost, you can expect a kind human who has your best interests at heart. We will only ever hire trainers who radiate inclusiveness and acceptance for all lifestyles, ages, backgrounds, body types, and fitness levels. Our mission is for everyone to feel good within our program, because everyone deserves the benefits of health and wellness.
We expect trainers to demonstrate professionalism, respect for. you and your property, good manners, and positivity. We realize we are coming into your safe space to work out, and always want to keep it a comfortable and productive environment for you.
You can also expect some humor and levity, and you can chat with us as much (or as little) as you'd like (as long as we keep the workout moving, too!). We won't be afraid to push you appropriately within the workout, but will also be sensitive and attentive to any concerns or limitations.
We'll push you, but we're not the kind of trainers that will yell at you or shame you into doing more. We will get to know your learning style and personality as we work together and will use that to maximize productivity and keep a supportive relationship.
You can also expect confidentiality. What happens with 409, stays with 409. This applies to your health background, personal information, what we talk about during sessions (we're pretty good listeners!), etc. Your personal training stays personal.
& Payment
1 / What packages does 409 Fitness offer its clients?
For individual participants, we offer packages of 12 sessions that are each either 30, 45, or 60 minutes,
For group training, we offer packages of 12, 60-minute sessions, and the price per person depends on how many participants are involved (2 people, or 3+ people).
Please refer to our Packages page for details on pricing.
2 / Why do I need to commit to a whole package?
By committing to a package of twelve (12) sessions, you are committing to the process and giving your body's muscles a chance to change. Since the first couple of sessions will be more deliberate and educational to establish proper technique, 12 sessions gives us a chance to accomplish this foundation while allowing time to rev up the challenge, too. Twelve sessions also allows a relationship to develop with your trainer so we can identify your best learning styles and the best ways to keep you motivated. Trust the process, because it all grows from there!
3 / But can't I just take one session to try it out first?
No, and for good reason. You will not be able to see the benefits of the program with a single session because we would only be working on technique, form, and safely executing the exercises in that meeting. The fundamentals are necessary for proper growth, but do not reflect the ongoing challenge and efficacy of our workouts overall. Our program is about development and lasting change, not just a single introductory lesson.
4 / What package is right for me?
First, take a look at the Programs we offer to get a sense of which program best fits your goals and objectives.
Then, take a look at our Package offerings. Once you read through the options, the decision requires you to consider several factors:
Current fitness level: If you're new to exercise, new to lifting weights, or consider yourself "out of shape," we recommend starting with our 30-minute package.​​ If you're an athlete, do other types of workouts regularly, or have a weight-lifting background, you might want to consider a 45-minute package. If you're already in good shape and are looking for more of a challenge, we would suggest at 45- or 60-minute package.​​​
Budget: We recommend choosing a session length you know you'll be able to consistently afford so you'll be able to consistently make progress. Consistency is the key! Longer sessions are more expensive, but you are able to accomplish more each time we meet. They are well worth the investment if you are able.
Schedule: You will need to identify how much time you're able to devote each week to working out, and we'll need to find times that are compatible within the trainer's schedules as well.
Goals/desired timeframe for achieving goals: For example, if you have an event with a hard deadline, such as a wedding or reunion, you may want to choose a longer session length so we can accomplish as much as possible before that date.
How quickly you are able to transition between exercises: We try to keep the transitions between exercises as short as possible so we are the most efficient with your time and keep the intensity up. However, some individuals like or want longer breaks between exercise sets, which means we will not get to as many exercises per session. If this sounds like you, perhaps consider a 45-minute session so you can still accomplish the full-body workout as intended.
If you're interested in group training: Group training is only offered in 60-minute sessions to maintain the same level of intensity as a one-on-one workout.
Overall, in buying a package you are purchasing "minutes" of your trainer's time, expertise, and guidance. If you begin with a 30-minute package and feel the need to bump up to 45 minutes halfway through your package, no problem! We will just divide your remaining minutes up accordingly: you'll end up with fewer sessions but longer sessions for the remainder of that package. Then when you renew the following package, you can "officially" upgrade to 45-minute session package if desired.
We are happy to help talk through your options, so please contact us if you have any additional questions or concerns.
6 / What if I need to miss a session or reschedule?
We currently have a flexible cancellation policy for our personal training sessions. Please give us at least 24 hours notice for a cancellation whenever possible! However, we do understand life happens, and often with less than 24-hours notice! If you cancel, you will not lose your session--it will just be tacked on to the end of your package. We do hope this is a rare occurrence so we can keep our policy this flexible. The most important thing is for you to communicate with your trainer.
If you'd like to reschedule ASAP, it will be entirely dependent on your trainer's availability and openings that week.
If you have planned vacations, please let us know as soon as you're scheduled to go away so we can plan accordingly.
Our group training program has its own cancellation policy out of respect for all group members. For Fusion Training program participants, if you miss a session but your group still attends, you will forfeit that individual session (and not be able to make up).
If your trainer needs to cancel or reschedule for any reason, we will let you know as soon as possible out of respect for your schedule.
7 / Why is personal training expensive?
When you invest in personal training, you are purchasing minutes of one-on-one, customized time, expertise, guidance, and accountability you would not otherwise have. These facets of personal training are what keep clients committed to a program over time, what keeps the challenge evolving alongside your growth, and what helps facilitate the results you hope to achieve.
The in-home aspect of 409 Fitness also provides you with convenience, comfort, and consistency, all while saving you time. When it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle in the middle of a busy world, this type of support is incredibly valuable!
1 / How often will we work out together?
Sessions are generally scheduled with your trainer twice per week, with at least one off-day in between workouts. This schedule is very effective because you will have adequate recovery time between your intense full-body sessions.
We have a handful of clients who do meet 3 times per week for an additional challenge. The ability to include a third day is dependent on trainer availability. Please note your sessions will be used up faster and you will need to purchase new packages more often, so this is more of an investment.
2 / How do we schedule sessions?
You will schedule sessions directly with your trainer. We are very flexible with timing, but note that by the nature of our business model, we need to build in time to commute to your location if we are fitting you between existing client appointments, so it sometimes takes a little creativity to get time slots that work for both of us. Ultimately, this has never been a problem!
3 / What if I need to miss a session?
It's important that you let your trainer know you'll need to miss a session as soon as possible. If your trainer has availability that week, you may be able to reschedule the session on another day. If you fail to let your trainer know you are cancelling (a.k.a. "no-show"), you will forfeit that session.
The policy is slightly different for group training participants. If you need to miss a scheduled group training session but the rest of your group attends, you will forfeit that workout from your package (not be allowed to make it up). This is out of respect for your entire group and your trainer's time.
4 / What if I want to work out with 409 more often?
Let's discuss! It's possible, but ultimately it will be dependent on scheduling availability. Rest assured, you will get results working out at the twice-per-week frequency!
For an even more well-rounded fitness regimen, we recommend adding some cardiovascular exercise into your routine on your off days, and can help you establish an appropriate combination to fit your goals.
5 / What times is 409 Fitness available to train me?
All sessions are by appointment, and start with the best days and times that work for you, and correlate those times with our openings. Sometimes it takes a little creativity, but we will find times that work for both you and your trainer.
We are available to train you around the clock, 24/7, but off-hours training will require additional fees. If you select a time that begins between the hours of 9:00pm and 4:30am, there will be a $100 premium added to the cost of each package.
1 / What if I need to cancel a session?
If you need to cancel a session, please let your trainer know as soon as possible, preferably with more than 24-hour notice. If something comes up last-minute and you cannot make your session, kindly call your trainer as soon as you find out you need to cancel. Since we anticipate that this is a rare occurrence, you will not lose your session--it will simply be tacked onto the end of your package.
If you fail to let us know about the cancellation (no-show) and/or we have already commuted to your location, you will forfeit that single session. This is out of respect to our trainers and the time and money involved in their commutes.
3 / I have an injury--can you accommodate?
If you have a recent injury (or have recently had surgery), we'd prefer you provide a doctor's note clearing you to participate. This is for both our safety. We can certainly structure your routine to work around your physical limitations as long as it is not a health risk otherwise.
If you have a past injury that just gives you a little nagging trouble, stiffness, reduced range of motion, etc., we can definitely find exercises that will work for you without exacerbating the issue. Sometimes all it takes is a slight modification of position, and a little bit of experimenting with options. Personal training is perfect for these situations so we can really tailor the workout to your body!
Most importantly, you are responsible for providing us with a detailed health history prior to your first session so we are aware of any potential issues or modifications we need to make in your exercise routine. Please click here to read some more details about your health history.
5 / I'm not feeling 100% today--can we still train?
If you feel like you're getting sick, let's not train. Your body doesn't need the extra stress at this point--rest will do you better.
Please keep your trainer in mind--if they get sick, they can't train clients, making it harder on them financially.
Also, if your trainer is exposed to an illness, it may be contagious to some of our more vulnerable clients. We know you don't want to miss your session, but we encourage you to think big-picture when it comes to everyone's health and well-being.
6 / Someone else at home is sick--can we still train?
Please let us know what's going on so we can make an informed decision. If it's something like a stomach bug or the flu, we may not want to be exposed. If you have your heart set on training, give your trainer a heads-up so they can wear a mask if they wish, or maybe we can do our workout outside. Let's try to keep everyone healthy and happy!
2 / Do I have to let you know my health history?
It's your responsibility to tell us any health history so we can keep you as safe as possible, so we can modify or avoid any exercises as necessary, and so we can avoid aggravating old injuries or conditions. Your health history is incredibly relevant to the design of your program, and we keep it confidential in your client file.
3 / What sanitation protocol does 409 follow?
409 Fitness trainers carry sanitizing spray and wipes in their vehicles to sanitize any equipment you've touched during your session, including, but not limited to, weights and mats. Your health and safety is our top priority, and we are diligent about making sure the equipment is fresh for your use.
4 / What safety training do 409 Fitness trainers have?
409 Fitness trainers are certified in personal training technique, including appropriate routine design and exercise mechanics. We also have trainers with nutrition certificates. All trainers are first aid and CPR certified, including the use of automatic external defibrillators (AEDs).
6 / What should I do if I have an illness or injury?
Please get in touch with your trainer ASAP and tell us what's going on. We'll probably need to cancel your sessions until you are well again, as your body does not need the stress of exercise when it's trying to heal.
If you sustain an injury, it's important that you let us know this, too, so we can decide if we need to make modifications, or if we need to pause your package until your doctor decides you can resume training.
If another health condition pops up, again, please just communicate with us so we are aware of any restrictions or other special needs. We want to make the best decisions for your overall health, and can only do so if you keep us informed.
1 / Is 409 Fitness hiring personal trainers?
We are always looking to meet certified personal trainers that will be a good fit for our program. You're welcome to contact us to see if we're hiring at the moment, and if we're not currently hiring, we can certainly keep your information on file. We'd love to see your resume and chat about how you might be a great addition to our team of trainers!
2 / What qualifications is 409 Fitness looking for?
We will consider certified personal trainers that share common values, including:
Kindness & manners
Positivity & patience
Genuine desire to help others
Inclusivity and acceptance of all lifestyles, body types, fitness levels, ages, disabilities, etc.
Sense of humor
A willingness to learn and use the 409 Fitness program
Good communication, always.
Client loyalty: Willing to celebrate client success and progress, and willing to support them in challenging moments.
Safety-focused awareness
Exemplifies a healthy lifestyle
CPR and First Aid certification is also a plus.
3 / Can I contact 409 Fitness about employment?
Sure! Take a look at the above question first, and if this sounds like you, feel free to contact us to see if we have any opportunities available.